Tree Removal

Ready to Get Rid Of a Tree?

Schedule tree removal services in the Greater Birmingham AL area

Even huge trees that seem immovable are no obstacle for the tree removal experts at Shaver Straw. We remove trees of all sizes and species in the Greater Birmingham AL area. You can count on us to operate in a safe and efficient manner to protect you and your property. Don't hesitate to set up services with us or arrange for emergency tree removal services.

Get emergency services at any time of day

Get emergency services at any time of day

If you need to clean up after a storm or remove a tree immediately, you don't have to wait for help. You can turn to us for 24/7 emergency tree removal services. When you get timely service from us, we'll:

  • Provide a free estimate
  • Obtain any required permits
  • Cut down the tree
  • Haul away debris or chop it into firewood
  • Grind down the stump

There won't be any sign of your tree when we're done. Contact us now at 205-396-8300 to make a tree removal appointment.

Discover the importance of dead tree removal

Do you have a dead or hazardous tree that needs to be removed? Removing damaged trees is essential to the safety of you and your property. That's why Shaver Straw offers tree removal in the Greater Birmingham AL area to safely remove trees of any size from your property.

Signs that you need tree removal services include:

  • A hollow trunk
  • Dead or dying branches
  • Severe leaning
  • Signs of infection
  • No signs of life left
Don't wait for your dead or damaged tree to fall. Reach out for a free estimate on same-day tree services.