Pine Straw Services

Love the Look of High-Quality Pine Straw?

Ask about our pine straw delivery services in the Greater Birmingham AL area

Using natural and dynamic materials in your landscape is a great way to incorporate more dimension and environmentally friendly solutions. That's why you should check out the pine straw for sale at Shaver Straw. We offer pine straw delivery, wholesale and retail options to property owners and landscapers in the Greater Birmingham AL area. You can even rely on us to lay it for you.

4 uses for pine straw

4 uses for pine straw

Our pine straw for sale offers all kinds of landscaping benefits. You can use pine straw for:

  1. Erosion control
  2. Weed deterrent
  3. Plant and soil nutrients
  4. Improved visual appearance

When you're ready to start utilizing the amazing versatility of pine straw, our long, clean and pigmented needles are the right choice. Place a pine straw delivery now by calling 205-396-8300. You'll receive a discount if you order in bulk.